corn(y) dudes.

March 1, 2009
i promise this blog won’t be entirely about me loving on my family, but sometimes i just can’t help myself. as lots of you guys probably know, there has been a lot of talk about high fructose corn syrup lately. you may even have seen my (awesome and wonderful) brother-in-law’s film, king corn. (if you haven’t, you can check it out on netflix).  in response to recent criticism about the industry, the corn refiners association has launched a $25 million dollar ad campaign touting their product (you can watch ads here or here). watch theirs, and then come back to see curt and ian in action:

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1 Comment

  • Reply americainshort March 2, 2009 at 4:43 am


    i didn’t know he was your brother in law. depending on which one of the two he is, he went to yale with the guest geography faculty at SLC and came, King Corn in tote, to SLC a short two years after you left.

    but you probably knew all that. needless to say, i hung out with your brother in law!

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